Saturday 11 September 2010

Why Blogging?

a. Blogs as current phenomenon and benefits to the community

Weblog which is a “log” of the web-a diary-style site which the author links to other web pages that the author finds interesting using entries posted and cited to others. (Perrone 2004) Nowadays, internet seems to be a main source for people who use it in their daily life, people are not only use internet to search for information, but also publish their thoughts and dairies online.

According to research in Technorati cited in marketing chart , the blogosphere seems to be increase, there are 70 million weblog being tracked from year 2003-2007. It is continuously increasing day by day until now. Moreover, Technorati has been tracking 3,000 - 7,000 new splogs created each day. (Marketing Charts 2007) Blogging trend are seems to be different in different countries. Blogging have various categories for example, technology, politic, entertainment, living, business and spots.

These are all the trends of blogging. However, according to a research done by MSN LIVE Space, for Asian country there are 74% bloggers blog about family and friends. (Ramadass 2006) Base on the survey done by Technorati, over 1000 bloggers reveals both personal and professional topics are equally popular. (White 2009)

The blogging trend will be difference when it comes into global, for example, music topics are more famous than political in Asia while Europe countries not use to blog about personal, lifestyle and religious topics. (White 2009) Below show the statistic of blogging trend globalization. Moreover, there are also various types of blogs nowadays. Type of blogs are categorize as text base and other media base, for text base where include personal, collaborative, corporate, topical and spam blog. However, other media blogs are podcasts/ videocasts and photologs. (Blogging the Phenomenon n.d) Childs (2009), stated that individual or personal blogs are more prevalent in China and India, nevertheless Korean are more into collaborative blogging.

The benefits of having a personal blog is to allow individual share about their daily life and as a update and keep in touch with their friends.

Collaborative blog which can reduce time spent updating the site per person. (Blogging the Phenomenon n.d) According to a research from MSN Live Space, 20% of Malaysians voted for Blogs focusing on politics. (Ramadass 2006) Blogging promotes democratization by enhancing the civil liberties of Malaysians, and helps to frame the discourse and agenda for public policies. Example of political bloggers Jeff Ooi and Rocky Bru (Tan and Ibrahim 2008) According to John Naughton ( n.d., p.7), blogging phenomenon is its demonstration that the traffic in ideas and cultural products isn’t a one-way street, as it was in the old push-media ecosystem. Blogging, a new media helping the old media in the pass to develop more benifits to the ecosystem. For example above,it is benefit to the society to voice out and give their views and opinion against political issues in Malaysia.

Blogging the Phenomenon n.d., Types of Blogs, Text based, Blogging the Phenomenon, viewed 17th September 2010,

Childs, C 2009, Digital Asia: Cultural Differences and Localizing Your Brand, Spark Sheet, viewed 19th September 2010,

John Naughton n.d, Blogging and the Media Ecosystem, Reutersinstitude, viewed 30th September,

Marketing Charts 2007, The Blogosphere: Still Growing after All These Year 2007, Marketing Charts, viewed 19th September 2010,

Perrone, J 2004, What is weblog, Guardian, viewed 20th September 2010,

White, D 2009, Day 2: The What and Why of Blogging, Technorati State of the Blogosphere 2008, viewed 17th September 2010,

Ramadass, V 2006, Blogging Phenomenon Sweeps Asia, Lowyet.Net, Viewed 19th September 2010,

Tan, JE & Ibrahim, Z 2008, Blogosphere guide, All Malaysia Info, viewed 20th September 2010,

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